Feb 21, 2021
Rotary International announced that San Marino High School Class of 2015 graduate, Mark Liang, has received a Global Grant Scholarship for graduate study in the MPhil Health, Medicine and Society program at Cambridge University (UK) beginning this October. His...
Nov 10, 2020
Andrew Kindler gave this presentation to the San Marino Rotary Club about the work of the International Projects Committee. (Click “read more” then use the arrows at the bottom of the presentation to view the slides)
Sep 30, 2020
The new Rose Arbor in Lacy Park has been quietly completed, allowing visitors an opportunity to enjoy such a structure for the first time since 2015, when age and dry rot made its landmark predecessor a safety hazard and caused it to be dismantled altogether. The...
Jul 12, 2020
The Barth Rotary Scholarship winners, given to a girl and boy just-graduated from either/both of San Marino and Southwestern, were announced at last Thursday’s Rotary luncheon. They are Richelle Chow from Southwestern Academy, and Ethan Wang from San Marino High. Each...
May 1, 2020
All is well in SF. I am still working, though they have cancelled all of our non-emergent surgeries. As part of the fellowship of Rotarian Doctors there have been bi-weekly phone calls with doctors from around the world to discuss the COVID pandemic. In San Francisco...