Story of the Centennial Clock
The Centennial Clock was donated by the Rotary Club of San Marino to the San Marino community as a gift in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Rotary International in 2005 and dedicated on July 4, 2005. Map
This is the story of the Centennial Clock project. How the project was conceived, the design process, the fundraising, work site preparations, time capsule, and dedication day ceremonies.
Save the date —- July 4, 2039 for the unsealing of the Time Capsule in celebration of the 100th Anniversary Year of the founding of the Rotary Club of San Marino. (See Countdown Timer at the bottom of this page.)
Visit a ‘live’ video feed of the Clock via the weather cam at City Hall.
We hope you enjoy this story and we’ll see you in 2039!
The Centennial Clock was donated by the Rotary Club of San Marino to the San Marino community as a gift in honor of the 100th Anniversary of Rotary International in 2005 and dedicated on July 4, 2005.
This is the story of the Centennial Clock project. How the project was conceived, the design process, the fundraising, work site preparations, time capsule, and dedication day ceremonies.
Save the date —- July 4, 2039 for the unsealing of the Time Capsule in celebration of the 100th Anniversary Year of the founding of the Rotary Club of San Marino. (See Countdown Timer at the bottom of this page.)
We hope you enjoy this story and we’ll see you in 2039!
The Executive Committee for the Centennial Clock Project, April 2008
Len Therrien, Chair
Jack Hamilton, Photography
Greg Thompson, Clock Company Laision
Wayne Carter, Time Capsule
Dennis Kneier, Fundraising
Gene Orlowsky, Fundraising
Steven Schultz, Project Construction
The Centennial Clock — the story of the project from start to finish
The Rotary Club of San Marino’s Centennial Clock’s story begins in January 2004 when newly designated President Elect Elect Len Therrien (2005-06) pitches an idea to President Elect Jack Hamilton (2004-05) and President Greg Thompson (2003-04) about donating a clock to the community to celebrate Rotary International’s 100th Anniversary in 2005. Local Rotary Clubs were asked by Rotary International to select projects in the local community to honor the anniversary.
Thus began a truly collective effort by all members of the Club, from fundraising, to project design, to hands on work at the site, to creating a wonderful gift for the entire community. The project finished with the dedication of the Centennial Clock on July 4, 2005 at 10 am.
The following documents help tell the story. The ‘Centennial Clock Project Report’ provides a detailed overview of the entire project. And the photos and movies tell the visual story of this project.
Centennial Clock Project Summary Report
- Centennial Clock Mock Up Photo
- Clock Site Concept Photo
- Clock Order Form
- Rotary Centennial Clock Project Work Chart
- Preliminary Cost Estimate for Centennial Clock Project
- Rotary Centennial Project Presentation – February 2004
- Rotary Centennial Project Presentation – March 2004
- Dedication Invitation
- 4th of July Gets Off and Running Early
- Clock Dedication Address President Len Therrien
Fundraising for the Centennial Clock Project
The Centennial Clock Project began as a modest proposal to give a lasting gift to the community in celebration of Rotary International’s 100th Year.
Initially, the project envisioned a clock that might cost $15,000 but that was quickly upgraded to a new guestimate of $25,000. Ultimately, the project was refined and expanded so that the budget increased to just over $66,000.
In the end, we raised $74,309 for the project. After all construction and other costs, we had $5,719 left for a maintenance fund, now held by Rotary Charities. The Rotary Club annually adds $500 to the fund.
As of 2008, we have approximately $7,200 in the fund, to be used as needed in the future for repairs or refurbishments. The Club will annually make further additions to the fund, assuring adequate resources to maintain the clock in pristine condition. The City of San Marino is responsible for site maintenance and the Club is responsible for the Clock maintenance.
The Fundraising Committee was headed by Dennis Kneier and Gene Orlowsky with members Bill Steele and Emile Bayle serving as Honorary Fundraising Chairmen.
- Rotary Club Centennial Clock Budget Detail
- Campaign Fundraising
- Campaign Matrix
- Fund Development – Final Letter Revised
- Fund Development – Letter re plaque
- Fund Development – Letter to Rotary – Follow up
- Fund Development – Letter to Rotary – Pledges Follow up
- Centennial Clock – Plaque
- Clock Plaque Photo
- Donor Party Invitation
- Thank You Letter to Organizations
- Thank You Letter
The Centennial Clock Photos and Videos
Photos and movies about the Centennial Clock Project. The project was conceived in early
2004, fundraising began in mid-2004, work site preparations (a collaborative effort between the City of San Marino
and Club members) started in early 2005, the clock arrived and was installed in late May 2005, and the dedication
ceremony was held on July 4, 2005.
Worksite Preparations by Club Members and City Work Crews - Photos
5/15/2004 Centennial Clock Site Work Party
Fundraising Thank You Party - Photos
Clock Delivery and Installation - June 24, 2005 - Photos
Clock Delivery Video
Dedication Day July 4, 2005 - Photos
Clock Dedication Day July 4, 2005! - Video
Clock Dedication Day July 4, 2005! Special thanks to Cable Channel 19 and the City of San Marino for this video
Rotary Clock Review - Video
10th Anniversary Review - Video
Clock Project Review, Produced by Jack Hamilton
More Clock Photos including Before and After
The Rotary Time Capsule
The Rotary Time Capsule was conceived during the Centennial Clock project to involve the community in the project and to create the first known community time capsule in San Marino.
The Time Capsule element of the Centennial Clock project was organized by President Wayne Carter (2006-07).
At the dedication ceremony, President Len asked the four Barth children (Emily, Catherine, Andrew Jr, and Avery) to serve as the future organizers, along with the our Rotary Club, of the ‘Time Capsule Remembrance and Unsealing’ Committee for July 4, 2039. The Barth children were each ‘Gold’ level donors to the Centennial Clock fundraising (through their parent and Club member Andy Barth) and the youngest donors to the project.
A special note here…. the Time Capsule was not officially buried until a month after the Dedication Ceremony since it had not yet been purged of air and sealed with an inert gas to preserve the contents.
The Time Capsule has been filled with memorabilia from community organizations and individuals in San Marino. Wayne Carter headed up this effort with assistance from his spouse, Judy Carter, who was associated with the San Marino Historical Society.
As part of the Centennial Clock dedication ceremony, the Time Capsule was sealed and buried at the Centennial Clock site (on the west side of the clock under the Time Capsule dedication plaque). The intent is for the Time Capsule to be unsealed on July 4, 2039 in celebration of the Rotary Club of San Marino’s 100th Year Celebration and the contents of the Time Capsule donated to the San Marino Historical Society.
Learn more about the Time Capsule and the items placed inside
Read about how the Time Capsule was built
Order form for the Time Capsule Plaque
The Centennial Time capsule will be opened at 10 am on July 4, 2039!
Time Capsule Opening Countdown Timer