Club History
Club History
Early History of the Club
Charter Members List
Cover and Table of Contents, 1939-1994 Edition (The Presidential Histories on the right were included in the printed edition)
Letter from History Committee Presenting 1939-1994 Edition
Cover and Table of Contents, 1939-1999 Edition (The Presidential Histories on the right were included in the printed edition)
Letter from History Committee Presenting 1939-1999 Edition
History of the Rotary Club of San Marino by Ken Veronda (2001)
Some of the Benefits that Result from a Rotary Club (date unknown)
- July 9, 1998 – June 6, 2014 – The Rotoscope files have the following format “YYYYMMDD.pdg”. They are searchable by content.
- June 6, 2014 to date
District Governors
1950-51 Dr. G. “Edd” Norwood
1966-67 John H. Clay
1994-95 Steve Garrett
1998-99 Lee Mothershead
Distinguished Rotarians
Frank Wierick, Arch Klump Award Winner
Dr. E. Stanton Turner, Award of Merit, Philippines
Roy Denny, First Vice President of Rotary International
William A. Knoke, Rotary Foundation’s Award of Merit 1977 and Distinguished Service Award 1979
William G. (Bill) Steele, William G. Steele Mini Grant Endowment
Poet Laureate
Gleanings from the Prolific Pen of Poet Laureate P. P. Stan Clark
Pictures and Videos
2014 - 75th Anniversary Video
Ken Veronda tells the story of the first 75 years of service to the community by the Rotary Club of San Marino, California at the 75th Anniversary meeting on April 10, 2014.
1989 - Program from the 50th Anniversary Celebration, April 13, 1989
1940 San Marino Rotary Club Members Photo
Miscellaneous Pictures

Gene Orlowsky, Debbie Lowrey Fogarty, and Terry Chapman -From the Archives of the San Marino Historical Society

Lloyd Ownbey, Joe Lewis, Dick Mountjoy and Paul Crowley – From the Archives of the San Marino Historical Society

Lloyd Ownbey, Mark Chen, Emile Bayle, John Heslin, John Nowak, John Harris, Owen Day and Jim Hayward – From the Archives of the San Marino Historical Society
Archived Photos and Videos
Presidential Year Histories
2022-23 Rob Feidler
2021-22 Jean-Pierre Mainguy
2020-21 Aaron Gil
2019-20 Gregory F. Johansing
2018-19 Fang Fang Ho
2017-18 Denise Wadsworth
2016-17 Gilda Moshir
2015-16 Michael David Driebe
2014-15 Russ Wayne Osmonson
2013-14 Peter F. Corzo
2012-13 Isaac Hung
2011-12 Stephen S. Talt
2010-11 Robert W. Nafie
2009-10 Emile Joseph Bayle
2008-09 Lois S. Matthews
2007-08 Frederic C. Sohl
2006-07 I. Wayne Carter
2005-06 Leonard Therrien
2004-05 Jack G. Hamilton, Jr.
2003-04 Gregory G. Thompson
2002-03 Richard L. Haserot
2001-02 Margie Lowe-Francis
2000-01 William H. Bortz
1999-00 Kenneth Veronda
1998-99 Paul Crowley
1997-98 Robert L. Eichel
1996-97 Lois Derry
1995-96 N. Christian Datwyler
1994-95 J. Leland Mothershead
1993-94 Debra Lowrey Fogarty
1992-93 E. Eugene Orlorsky
1991-92 William L. Payne
1990-91 Merrill W. Francis
1989-90 Stephen E. Garrett
1988-89 Joseph W. Lewis, Jr.
1987-88 Lloyd C Ownbey, Jr.
1986-87 Al Jacobson
1985-86 Andrew A. Krueger
1984-85 John S. Harris
1983-84 John Young
1982-83 Owen W. Day
1981-82 Jack E. Morlan
1980-81 Richard L. Hultine
1979-80 William G. Steele, Jr.
1978-79 Larry E. Goodreau, DDS
1977-78 John M. Halliday
1976-77 Alexander Smith
1975-76 Frosty Foster
1974-75 David A. Latham
1973-74 Jack Sundbye
1972-73 Raymond L. Geiler
1971-72 Robert H. Hull
1970-71 Marvin R. Carlson
1969-70 Ron Witter
1968-69 Stanley H. Stevens
1967-68 Gerald C. Wolcott
1966-67 Donald H. Scott
1965-66 Stanley Clark
1964-65 Birk Lefler
1963-64 Dan Ellis
1962-63 Ed Brewster
1961-62 Tru Lattin
1960-61 John Haigh
1959-60 Clarence H. Folsom
1958-59 Bill Howard
1957-58 John M. McDonald
1956-57 Calvin Goodrich
1955-56 Hal Loynd
1954-55 Monroe F. Loy
1953-54 Ben Eaton
1952-53 George Woodruff
1951-52 Larry Shepard
1950-51 Tom Batson
1949-50 John Clay
1948-49 Clarence Fetterman
1947-48 George Edd Norwood
1946-47 Irving G. King
1945-46 Percy L. Cowherd
1944-45 Dave Fiscus
1943-44 Hamilton J. Stevens
1942-43 Guy Lauderbaugh
1941-42 D. D. Gordon and Harold A. Barnett
1940-41 John M. Hammond
1939-40 John Barton