Club Photos and Videos
Photos and Videos of Club recent events and activities as well as links to other photos and videos on the website are found here.
- Home Page Photos and Videos – our most recent club meetings and activities
- Club Events: Rotary on the Town and Paul Harris Fellowship Luncheon
- International Projects sponsored activities
- Community Projects supported by the Club: San Marino Motor Classic, Centennial Clock, Red Car Mural and Centennial Field
- Youth sponsored projects: Interact, Plants and Princess’ Adventure, Rotary Readers, and Art Contest
- San Marino Rotary Charities – William ‘Bill’ G. Steele, Jr. Mini-Grant Endowment Fund – tribute to the founder Bill Steele.
- Rotary International Foundation: Annual Honorary Paul Harris Fellowship Luncheon and Updates from our San Marino Rotary Scholars
- Rotary Club’s Weather Station and Live Weather Cam
- Club History Photos
Archived Photos and Videos
The best way to search our Club’s Photos and Video Archives is to use the Google Docs Spreadsheet Database. Click ‘Control + H’ to search for Dates, Program Titles, and Keywords. Then click the link to go to the Album.
There are two archives for our Club’s Photos and Videos. The older archive is Google Album Archive and the newer archive is Google Photos. A member may download photos and videos from either Archive. However, there is no direct search capability. Just scroll through the photo albums.
Google Photos is the newer Archive. Photos and videos are organized by year and then by month. This is just folders of photos and videos without any activity information.
2020-2021 Photos
February 17, 2022 - Induction of Edward Weng

Joseph Chang, Proposer, Edward Weng, New Member and JP Mainguy, Club President
Christmas Party - December 2, 2021
San Marino's Little Christmas House Setup - November 29, 2021
November 4, 2021, Meeting

Induction of new member, Marcella Marlowe.

Celebration of Partnership with the San Gabriel Chamber of Commerce
Octoberfest Party at the Home of Dennis and Liz Kneier 9/30/21
San Marino and San Gabriel New Generations Clubs Meeting at Ogopogo in San Gabriel 8-27-21
Club Participates in San Marino's National Night Out And A Summer Concert - 8/6/21
Rotary Club participates in San Marino’s National Night Out event! The Police and Fire Departments joined forces with the Community Services Department to create an extra special community event.
San Marino Rotary Club Presents Lucille Norberg with a Distinguished Service Award - 8/5/21
Video by Gilda Moshir
Ninety-nine year old San Marino Rotarian Lucille Norberg was recently presented with a Distinguished Service Award by Club president, JP Mainguy. While the treat of getting Covid-19 has kept Ms. Norberg sequestered at home since March 2020, her Service Above Self continued.
Norberg has been vital part of the selling of tickets and public relations for all of the 10 Car Classic Shows, held each June (except for 2021, in August). These car shows generate over $100,000 per year to the San Marino Club’s charities foundation.
She would be seen going to all of the retail stores along Huntington Drive and Mission Road, putting posters in merchant windows, and leaving show tickets on the counter for merchants to offer their customers.
Her business-career smarts taught her to call and send out Save-The-Date postcards, beforehand, to retailers, so they would know she was about to pay them a visit. These personal contacts also resulted in her selling ad space in the program booklet or being a sponsor, and to buy their own tickets.
On the event day, Ms Norberg would welcome all guests at the VIP tent, insuring that each knew where to find their reserved seating.
Since her induction in 2006, she has sponsored a dozen new members, including the immediate Club past-president, the current Club president and the president-elect.
And, she has been the point person for reservations for the Club’s annual Foundation Luncheon held each March at the Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens. Attendance is at about 170 Rotarians, guests, awardees and Ambassadorial Scholars.
She was the instigator of the twice a year Rotary on the Town dinners for Rotarians, spouses and guests. These are opportunities for Rotarians to enjoy the social part of membership… getting to know each other better.
Club President Mainguy in presenting the DSA boasted “Lucille Norberg is the energizer bunny in our Club, always talking up Rotary, doing much of its work, and leading by example. If a 99-year old can manage, how about all you “youngsters”!
Chili Cookoff - February 18, 2021
San Marino Rotary Club Members 2005
2018 – 2019 Photos
Rotary on the Town - October 17, 2019
2019 San Marino Motor Classic
2019 San Marino Motor Classic
Art Contest - April 18, 2019
New Cal-State LA - Rotaract Club - October 3, 2019

Check Presentation to the new California State University at Los Angeles Rotaract Club.
2019 Mini-Grants
School Montage (Business Plan, Interact, RYLA, MiniGrants) Spring 2019
Rotary on the Town - May 2, 2019
Rotary Foundation Awards Presented at the March 7, 2019 Meeting
Corazon House Build 2019
Corazon House Build on 4/13/19 sponsored by South Pasadena Rotary; more than 50 Rotarians joined in the effort.